Mp3 Download song Willie Max Can't Get Enough FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Willie Max song lyrics

Willie Max - Can't Get Enough Lyrics

Can't get enough of your thang (8x)

:=(1st verse)=:
Its been a minute and two seconds
Since I had you naked and I'm feening like its nicotine
And I only wish that I could keep my cool
You got me pitiful and I want another piece of you
I'm lonely like in solitaire and I wish I had you here
And I'd push you down and climb on top of you
The more that you're away, the more I wish you'll stay
And I'm gonna have my way with you

And there is no way that I'll stop wanting you
Now tell me if its hard for you to give it up
Is it wrong for me to want your love
Is it crazy that I want you so bad
Like I do and there is no way that I'll stop loving you, I

Can't get enough of your thang (8x)

Everybody says I'm crazy they say you got me open
Like a twenty-four hour liquor store
And never keep you baby runnin
You'll always keep me comin
And now I'm feening for some more
Come close to me baby be strong
Don't ever stop keep holding on
Everybody's got their ownway of livin
And I gotta be down with the way I'm feelin

And there is no way that I'll stop wanting you
Now tell me if its hard for you to give it up
Is it wrong for me to want your love
Is it crazy that I want you so bad
Like I do and there is no way that I'll stop loving you, I

Can't get enough of your thang (8
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